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Grape Expectations

Famille Moutard -- Champagne Brut Nature

Famille Moutard -- Champagne Brut Nature

Regular price $43.00 USD
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As someone who has personal experience working for family, and has observed other examples of this unique experience, I can tell you I am SO impressed by what the Moutard Family has been able to accomplish. Most family projects have 2 maybe 3 relatives working, and usually on separate aspects. This is a polished wine producing house, spanning two regions, and even into the world of distilling. All while living in a small town and working closely with nearly a dozen family members. Clearly I am curious about the interpersonal dynamics here, but the wine also impresses! 

The history of Famille Moutard in Champagne began in 1958 when Lucien Moutard married into a family whose ancestors first cultivated vines on these hills in 1642.

Grape: Pinot Noir 80%, Chardonnay 20%

Region: Côte des Bar, Aube, Champagne, France

Farming: Hand harvested, 20 year old vines, Sustainable Farming

Winery: Gentle pneumatic press, 35% Reserve / 65% last harvest, fermentation and vinification in stainless, zero dosage (sugar)

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